Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Stats1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Stats1 - Essay Example For example, one may talk about the population of all individuals in US whose IQ is over 120; or one may talk about the population of all electric light bulbs ever produced by Phillips. Every population is characterized by measurable quantities called parameters. If parameter of a population is known, the whole population is known completely. Sample is a part of the population. The quantities measured from the sample are known as sample statistics. Sample statistics are used to estimate population parameters. While in a given population the parameter is constant, the value of statistic varies from one sample to the other. The population mean is a population parameter while average computed from a sample of size 20, say, from the same population, is a sample statistic which may be used to estimate the unknown population parameter. A different sample of size 20 may provide a different value of the sample mean. 3. When a sample is observed instead of the whole population, sampling error is caused. A sample is observed to understand the whole population. The population parameter is not known, but is estimated using the corresponding sample statistic. The difference between the parameter and the statistic is a measure of the sampling error. 4. An experiment is conducted under the control of an experimenter. An experiment is opposite of an observational research, where the researcher observes the study units and records observations. In an experiment, the researcher sets up the experimental conditions and controls them as per his/her research hypotheses. 5. This is an experimental study. Correlational study finds correlation among different variables from the same group of observations. Here two equivalent groups are compared in terms of effects of breakfast on performance. Finding correlation is not the aim of the study. But testing whether there exists any difference between the two otherwise equivalent groups when treated with two types of breakfast is the main ob jective. There is one case and one control group. Hence this is an example of experiment. 6. Nominal scale is essentially a classification. Even though the classes may have numerical identifications, such as 1, 2 etc, their nomenclature is important but not the values. Suppose in a town there are two groups of hospitals: general and mental. If general hospitals are called Group 1 and mental hospitals are called Group 2, this will be an example of nominal variable. If we interchange the order, there will be no effect. For ordinal scale the ordering is important, but by how much one level is more than the other, cannot be measured. Suppose blood pressure is classified as normal, high-normal and high. In this classification there is a hierarchy but the difference between normal and high-normal and high-normal and high cannot be quantified. Interval scale can compare the lengths of intervals. For example, if a flight starts at 6:00 hrs and reaches its destination at 8:30 hrs and another flight starts from the same origin at 6:30 hrs and reaches the same destination at 10:00 hrs, the lengths of the flights are comparable and the difference measurable. For interval scale measurements, the beginning and the end are fixed. In mathematical term, in interval scale there is no concept os an absolute zero. But it contains more information than ordinal scale variables, since its lengths are quantifiable, which is not possible in case of ordinal variable.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Aerobic Bacteria Associated with Septic Abortion

Aerobic Bacteria Associated with Septic Abortion Aerobic bacteria associated with septic abortion among Sudanese women Yagoub Hamadt Allah Elhaj Abd Elseed1*, Mohamed, A E.M. Ibrahim2 Waled Amen Mohammed Ahmed3 Abstract Background: Septic abortion is a common health problem with short- and long-term complications that affect the quality of life of those fortunate enough to avoid mortality. Both spontaneous and induced abortion may result in septic complications. Objective: This study aimed to isolate and identify aerobic bacterial causative agents of septic abortion in Sudan. Method: A descriptive study was conducted in the period from March 2013 till June 2013 in Gynecological Unit in Khartoum Teaching Hospital, Sudan. Thirty women with vaginal bleeding in the unit were included in the study. Thirty high vaginal swabs and cervical swabs were collected from the selected ladies admitted to the hospital with bleeding. Results: The prevalence of abortion was as fallows, in age group(20-25) abortion cases were (13.3%), in group(26-30) abortion cases were (33.3%), in group(31-35) cases were (20%), in group(36-40) cases were (33.3%) (P > 0.05). Isolated bacteria from those cases were; Staphylococcus epidermidis (86.2%), Klebsiella ozaenae (6.9%), Proteus mirabilis (3.4%), Escherichia coli (3.4%) and Staphylococcus aureus (3.4%). The present study showed that induced abortion (73.3%) was insignificantly more than habitual abortion (26.3%), (P=0.07). Conclusion: The major isolated organism was Staphylococcus epidermidis (86.2%), which was isolated from both complete and initial cases. But aerobic pathogenic bacteria isolated were Klebseilla ozaenae, Proteus mirabilis, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Keywords: Septic abortion, vaginal swab, pregnant women, Stahpylococcus epidermidis. Introduction: Septic abortions contribute significantly to maternal morbidity and mortality. Improving literacy rate in the female population and effective family planning should reduce its incidence [1]. In 1900, the rationale of therapy of the incomplete septic abortion was divided into a medical or surgical approach. Medical therapy comprising oxytocic, bed rest and supportive measures theoretically decreased the incidence of sepsis, while increasing the problem of blood loss and prolonged hospitalization. The surgical approach classified by some as controlled blood loss but theoretically increased the incidence of sepsis [1]. In 1973, a report described an adolescent admitted to a large Boston Teaching Hospital with what proved to be incomplete septic abortion [2]. Deaths from illegal abortion are mainly due to infection[2,3].Additional to that At 1990 a review of deaths due to abortion in the united states noted that 62 percent of the deaths from illegal abortion and 51 percent of deaths from spontaneous abortion were due to infection, as compared which only 21 percent of death from legal abortion [4] . Mccormick (I944) estimated that 3,500 women died annually in America from this complication of pregnancy and a recent estimate in Turkey suggested that 10,000 women a year died from this cause in that country[5]. A recent publication by Sedgh et al. (2007) estimated that a total of 42 million abortions were performed in 2003, down from 46 million estimated for 1995 using the same methods. The same study showed that 20% of all pregnancies, including miscarriages and stillbirths, terminate in abortion each year. This means that one out of every five pregnancies worldwide is voluntarily terminated annually, a statistic that illustrates its enormous dimensions. Expressed another way, the worldwide rate of induced abortion was approximately 29 per 1000 women between ages 15 and 44 years in 2003, down from 35 per 1000 in 1995. This means that globally one out of every 34 women within that age range has an abortion each year [6]. On the basis of verbal autopsy data and hospital records it is estimated that approximately 25% of maternal deaths are caused by hemorrhage, 15% by infection,12% by pregnancy-induced hypertension, and 8% by obstructed labor[7]. At the last years it has been observed that there is an increase in the prevalence of septic abortion among pregnant women, and its complication upon community. Septic abortion is considered nowadays one of the most important issues concerning Maternal health .There are not much studies traced in Sudan investigating the septic abortion prevalence and its causative agent. Therefore, this study aimed to isolate and identify aerobic bacterial causative agents of septic abortion in Khartoum, Sudan. Material and Method This is a descriptive study. It had been conducted among pregnant women in age of (20 – 40 ) years, who are being admitted to the Gynecology bleeding emergency room of Khartoum Teaching Hospital, Sudan, in the period from March 2013 till June 2013. High vaginal swabs: After the introduction of the speculum, the swab should be rolled firmly over the surface of the vaginal vault. The swab should then be placed in Amies transport medium with charcoal or/and Stuarts transport medium. Cervical swabs: After introduction of the speculum to the vagina, the swab should be rotated inside the endocervix. The swab should then be placed in Amies transport medium with charcoal or Stuarts transport medium. Then all collected specimens were inoculated on Blood agar (aerobic 370c), chocolate agar (aerobic 370c and 5-10% co2) and Macconkey agar (aerobic 370c). Incubated for overnight based on report done by Fawad A. et al 2008[8], when puerperal sepsis or septic abortion is suspected inoculate the specimen on two plates of blood agar and incubate aerobically at 35–370C overnight. Inoculate the specimen on Macconkey agar and incubate the plate aerobically at 35–370c overnight [8]. Examine the colonies for Gram stained smear: It is done to examine the smear for pus cells and bacteria (8). Identification tests: done to identify the pathogenic bacteria include Catalase test, Coagulase test, Deoxyriboneuclease test, Kligler iron agar, Citrate utilization test, Simmons citrate agar, Urease test, Indole test, Sugar fermentation test and Methyl Red test. Results: The total number of 30 samples were collected from pregnant women suffering from bleeding, out of these 11 specimens (36.67%) were collected after complete abortion, whilst 19 (63.33%) samples were collected at initial time of bleeding, as indicated in Table (1) . Table (1): The collected specimens time from women with bleeding in Khartoum Teaching Hospital. Parameter Number Percentage Specimens collected after complete abortion 11 36.67% Specimens collected at initial time of bleeding 19 63.33% Total cases 30 100% According to demographic characters, septic abortion appearing more frequently at the age of 26-30 and 36-40 and most cases were induced abortion (73.3%) as shown in Table (2). Table (2): Demographic characteristics of women attending with bleeding Khartoum Teaching Hospital: Demographic character Frequency Percentage Age categories 20-25 4 13.34% 26-30 10 33.33% 31-35 6 20% 36 40 10 33.33% Total 30 100% Type of abortion Habitual 8 26.67% Induced 22 73.33% Total 30 100% Types of aerobic bacteria isolated from specimens collected at complete stage of abortion were Staphylococcus epidermidis, Klebseilla ozaenae, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Proteus mirabilis. Staphylococcus epidermidis was isolated from both initial stage and complete stage of abortion. It was isolated from 14 specimens out of 19 specimens, Table (3). Table (3): Number of different bacteria isolate from septic abortion cases from women attending to Khartoum Teaching Hospital. Parameter Organism isolated Frequency Percentage Organism isolated from complete stage of abortion Staphylococcus epidermidis 6 54.5% Klebsiella ozaenae 2 18.2% Staph. aureus 1 9.1% Escherichia coli 1 9.1% Proteus mirabilis 1 9.1% Total 11 100% Organism isolated from initial stage of abortion Staphylococcus epidermidis 14 73.68% No growth 5 26.32% Total 19 100% Table(4): Relationship between the age of women, and type of abortion and the time of specimens in Khartoum Teaching Hospital Demographic character Complete abortion n(%) Initial abortion n(%) p-value Age categories 20-25 1 (9.1%) 3 (15.8%) 0.08 26-30 4 (36.3%) 6 (31.6%) 31-35 2 (18.2%) 4 (21.1%) 36 40 5 (45.4%) 5 (26.3%) Type of abortion Habitual 3 (27.27%) 5 (26.32%) 0.07 Induced 8 (72.73) 14(73.68%) Discussion: Out of 30 cases involved in this study 11 (36.67%) cases were caused by aerobic bacteria which may indicate that abortion may be caused by other causative agents than aerobic bacteria. The Percentage of septic abortion have been notably decreased , this is mostly because health care provider contribute significantly to reduce the expose of woman to septic complication by providing surfaces in a safe environment, this is un consistent with other published reviews[9]. The highest incidence were in age group 26-30 also in group36-40 (P > 0.05) the incidence were high , which is in inconsistent with other published reviews in other countries [9] ,but its consistent with the research of (Fawad, et al 2008) who found that the majority of patient were of middle age[8]. Also habitual abortion occupied about (27.3%) (P > 0.05) and induced abortion about (72.7%) (P > 0.05). Earlier published review showed that most isolated organism was Escherichia coli (20%) ,either alone or in combination with other bacteria ,which is inconsistent with our study (9.1%). Also the reviewer isolate Proteus mirabilis in combination with Escherichia coli (6%), in our study we found Proteus mirabilis (9.1%) [5]. The percentage of Klebsiella ozaenae isolate was (18.2%) which is higher than pervious study (Isibor, 2011) with percentage of (4.4%) among pregnant woman [10] Staphylococcus aureus isolate percentage was (9.1%) in disagree with study done by (Isibor, et al 2011), which found that Staphylococcus aureus occupies about (26.7%). this may be attributed to immune status of the individual, personal hygiene and the proximity of the vagina to urethra [11]. References Atrash H.K., Lawson H.W., Smith J.C., Legal abortion in the US : trends and mortality . Contemp Ob/Gyn, 1990;p35(2);58-69. jewett J.F., septic induce abortion . N Engl J Med,1973,p289:9-748. Cates W .Jr. , Rochat R.W. , Smith J.C. , Taylor C.W. Jr., Trends and national abortion mortality ,United State,1940-1974:implification for prevention of future abortion deaths .Adv Plann Parent 1976,11:106-13. Cates W.Jr. , rochat R.W., Ilegal abortion in the united states:1972-1974.Fam Plann perspect1976;8:86-92. Botes M., The Parameters of Septic Abortion, S.A. Journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 11 September 1971, p4 ;37-41. Sedgh G., Henshaw S., Singh S., Ahman E., and Shah I.H.,Induced abortion: estimated rates and trends worldwide. Lancet ,2007 ,p370: 1338–1345. Sedgh G., Henshaw S., Singh S., Ahman E., and Shah I.H.,Induced abortion: estimated rates and trends worldwide. Lancet ,2007 ,p370: 1338–1345. Fawad A., Nazk H., K. Anisa , Septic induced abortion , J. Ayub Med. Coll. Abbottabad ,2008,20. Osazuwa H., Aziken M., Septic abortion: a review of social and demographic characteristics , Arch. Gynecol. Obstet. ,2007,p 275:117–119. Isibor J. O., Samuel S. O., Nwaham C. I., Amanre I. N., Igbinovia O., and Akhile A. O., Prevalence of bacterial and Candida albicans infection amongst women attending Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital, Irrua, Nigeria, African Journal of Microbiology Research, Vol.30 ,September, 2011, p 5(20),. 3126-3130 Rosenow E. C., Studies in Elective Localization, Jour. Dent. Research, vol. 1, No. 3, September, 1919,52.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Terrorism - Using Social Security to Fight Bush’s War :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Using Social Security to Fight Bush’s War I have a rational fear: a fear that the September 11th attack has given the Bush administration a free hand in pursuing a conservative domestic agenda. This has so far been unspeakable in the media. But it must be said, lest it happen for sure. Where is the $40 billion for the war on terror coming from? Not from a rise in taxes and not from sacrifices to be made by the rich. Where then? The only available source I can think of is the Social Security "lockbox," which is now wide open. The conservatives have been trying to raid the Social Security fund for some time, and the Democrats had fought them off until now. Before September 11, the suggestion to take $40 billion from the Social Security "surplus" would have been indefensible. Has it now been done-with every Democratic senator voting for it and all but one of the Democrats in Congress? Think of it: Are your retirement contributions-and mine-are going to fight Bush's "war." No one dares to talk about it that way. It's just $40 billion, as if it came out of nowhere. No one says that $40 billion dollars comes from your retirement contributions. No one talks about increasing taxes. We should at least ask just where the money is coming from. If the money is coming from social security, then Bush has achieved a major goal of his partisan conservative agenda-without fanfare, without notice, and with the support of virtually all Democrats. Calling for war, instead of mere justice, has given the conservatives free rein. I fear it will only be a matter of time before they claim that we need to drill for oil in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge for national security reasons. If that most "pristine" place falls, they will use the national security excuse to drill and mine coal all over the country. The energy program will be pushed through as a matter of "national security." All social programs will be dismissed for lack of funds, which will be diverted to "national security." Cheney has said that this war may never be completed. Newt Gingrich estimates at least four or five years, certainly past the 2004 election. With no definition of victory and no exit strategy, we may be entering a state of perpetual war.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Everything you wanted to know about quoting

When writing an essay, you need to give evidence from the story, poem, novel, etc. that helps to support your argument. By quoting from the text, you show that evidence is definitely there. Keep quotes short†¦ they should support your thoughts, not replace them. TIP: If you only need to quote part of a sentence, use an ellipsis. ORIGINAL: â€Å"Mr. Cunningham, said Atticus, came from a set breed of men† (Lee 21). â€Å"Mr. Cunningham†¦ came from a set breed of men† (Lee 21).Only quote the part of the ext that relates to your point. Connect the quote to your words†¦ dont Just leave it hanging. Use phrases like, â€Å"Scout shows this when she says,† â€Å"as revealed by the line,† â€Å"as the author states,† etc. Place a colon after your thoughts to link them to your evidence (the quote). Boldwood loses control of himself. His love for Bathsheba strips him of reason. Boldwood gives in to his emotions totally, as shown when he says, â €Å"l had some faint belief in the mercy of God till I lost that woman†¦ ‘ feel it is better to die than to live† (Hardy 244). He nearly loses his mind.Harper Lee concludes To Kill a Mockingbird happily. The novel ends by showing Atticus reunited with his children: â€Å"He turned out the light and went into Jem's room. He would be there all night, and he would be there when Jem waked up in the morning† (Lee 281). Atticus's fatherly presence shows the reader that all is right with the world. DANGERS TO AVOID Never use a quote in a way that changes the meaning it had originally (â€Å"take it out of context†). Never let your quotes drown out your own voice. Never stick in a quote without connecting it to your words. Never forget to use quotation marks and cite the place where you found the quote.Never use quotes that are longer than they have to be. Never use a quote unless you are sure of what it means. Jem and Scout meet Mrs. Dubose. â€Å"Mrs. Dubo se lived alone except for a Negro girl in constant attendance, two doors up the street from us in a house with steep front steps and a dog-trot hall. She was very old†¦ † Mrs. Dubose is mean. â€Å"If she was on the porch when we passed, we would be raked by her wrathful gaze, subjected to ruthless interrogation regarding our behavior†¦ â€Å"

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Accounts Receivable Crisis

The following criteria will consist of a complete record of all credit amounts which include precise approval and maturity periods, simple debtor background information such as employment position, how they receive money, amount of family members in household, and current place in which they reside. In addition, various documents that shows the exact date in which our establishment physically acquired funds from the patient will also need to be requested. Ill. In order to resolve this problem, a combined effort from all departments within this organization must be implemented.This Includes the Administrative department, the Finance department, the Health Information Management department, as well as the patient. Each department will provide a specific set of functions from various resources to the overall execution of the newly designed plan. L. Administrative department As you may well know, Admission and Registration Is probably the most Important department and is the first line o f defense against this pressing issue. Properly documenting critical patient data, such as insurance information can literally save a inconsiderable amount of money as well as ensure a faster payment.In an effort to reduce employee errors involving insurance changes during this phase of the process, an Increased amount AT training classes well De contacted Tanat would explain in full detail about what the procedures are for checking in a patient and a special session that focuses on proper insurance data collecting. In addition to this, a staff member suggested that a full time individual be utilized on a 24 hour basis. The full time clerk will be responsible for the inspection of all other employees' paperwork to catch any discrepancies that might occur. According to Brown,J.Oily 2000), â€Å"Manual Claim Reviews including utilization and medical reviews are conducted by trained specialists. Staff specialists review specific claims with established program and medical policy, with previously paid claims, and with other information to decide if Medicaid should pay for the services. † Once this task is complete, the data will be passed on to the medical record department for further processing. Lie. Finance department To reduce the number of days that funds remain within Accounts Receivable, an analysis must first be conducted to determine which dollar amounts are either paid or delinquent.This objective typically requires the utilization of an Aging of Accounts Receivable Schedule, which can be retrieved from resources such as financial department records. According to Emerson, P. (n. D. ), â€Å"The accounts receivable schedule is a listing of the customers making up the total accounts receivable balance. Most businesses prepare an accounts receivable schedule at the end of the month. † Accessing this critical data can be quite useful and will give the company a such clearer picture as to why this issue is occurring. Iii.Health Information Manag ement department The Health Information Management department and medical coding personnel's contribution to controlling the Accounts Receivable dilemma consists of decreasing the influx of rejected claims from various insurance providers as well as ensuring that all submitted paperwork from the Administrative department is finalized and thoroughly checked for errors prior to submission. To accomplish these tasks, pertinent information such as reports, medical charts, and patient data should be adhered and referenced. ‘v.